magic mountain botanicals
Ingredients: mullein, peppermint, spearmint, fireweed
(35g) ~approx 16-20 cupsGrown and harvested on family run our bee friendly farm in Naramata, BC, Canada.
Small batches available for sale locally. -
Ingredients: raspberry leaf, red clover blossom, rose petals, peppermint, tarragon, mugwort (35g) ~approx 16-20 cups
Grown and harvested on family run our bee friendly farm in Naramata, BC, Canada.
Small batches available for sale locally. -
Ingredients: chamomile, lemon balm, lavender
(35g) ~approx 16-20 cupsGrown and harvested on family run our bee friendly farm in Naramata, BC, Canada.
Small batches available for sale locally.

better stewards of this land..
we are learning how to be good stewards of this land,
or maybe not good, but better than when we started.
we've made mistakes.
we've learned what happens when you dig a trench and the water changes course and has to flow elsewhere... or pool.
in each of our actions, Nature has a response.
we are learning that Mother, Father Nature gives clues—
that the woodpecker may tell you which trees are no longer healthy and may one day fall.
we are learning the seasons by new names,
in survival...
season of forest fire, season of forage, season of freeze, season of flood.
and in thrival...
season of festivity, season of feast, season of fireside, season of flowering.
we are learning about life, and death and the creatures that walk this land.
we are learning how to kill, destruct.
why do we kill the life that shares this land?
we kill out of fear. we kill out of our own survival and safety.
can we do this less? can we do better? can we be less afraid of the life that doesn’t look like us?
can we learn how to ask permission when we remember, and how to ask forgiveness when we forget.
we are learning how to grow life, create. to live in harmony, understanding and respect of each life form that shares this ground.
we love her.
does she love us back?
do the ravens know us?
the chipmunks, the bears?
do they fear us? are they angry? curious, indifferent?
maybe we aren't good for any of them, but now that we are here,
it is our inclination to nurture, to relate, to learn from them, to learn that we ARE them.
and in helping them, we are helping ourselves from burning,
helping ourselves to find spring food and fresh and clean water.
it's not only our responsibility, and own survival.
it's our great joy, our great privilege, our connection to very essence of being alive.
we are learning to be good stewards of this land,
or maybe not good,
but better than we were before.